The Brooklyn Rail and the Film-Makers' Cooperative Screen Five Maya Deren Films for Labor Day
Today, Labor Day, The Brooklyn Rail and the Film-Makers’ Cooperative have made five essential films by the Mother of American Avant-Garde Cinema, the only and only Maya Deren, available to view online, for free, for 24 hours.
On the Rail’s website, viewers can register to watch 1943's entrancing MESHES OF THE AFTERNOON (widely regarded as Deren's magnum opus and one of the most influential films ever made), 1944's dreamlike AT LAND, and three lesser-known but equally surreal and inspiring Deren titles: 1945's A STUDY IN CHOREOGRAPHY FOR THE CAMERA, 1946's RITUAL IN TRANSFIGURED TIME, and 1948's MEDITATION ON VIOLENCE.
Gartenberg Media Enterprises is proud to distribute these five Deren titles to universities in the United States and Canada as both DVDs and DVD/DSL bundles! MESHES, AT LAND, and RITUAL are available in a boxset titled MAYA DEREN: EXPERIMENTAL FILMS, which highlights Deren's significance as both a trailblazing woman filmmaker and a pioneer of the avant-garde. Meanwhile, STUDY and MEDITATION are available in MAYA DEREN: DANCE FILMS, which spotlights the director's choreographic style and influences.
Visit our catalogue now to get your DVD and/or DVD/DSL copies of these essential releases, and be sure to see these five extraordinary Deren titles on The Brooklyn Rail's site before the clock strikes 12!